Hi I'm Tim Webber, Spring, Texas, USA.
I am building a Challenger II experimental
homebuilt airplane. I will use this site to display pictures and stories
of the progress of the aircraft.
There are some large pictures and they will take some time to load. A technical note, these pictures were taken in afternoon lighting with the camera set incorrectly! Hopefuly the information provided with compensate for the photographers incompetence!!
August 2002
I have started an Ultralight Flight Instructors training with John Wall III in Angleton. John is an excellent instructor and I can recommend him highly for all your Ultralight flight training needs. His site is Lightstuff Aviation. Visit his site a lot of good information.
Challenger Pictures:
Challenger Pictures - Tail Feathers 1
Challenger II - Fuselage / Ailerons
Challenger II - On Landing Gear and Painted
Challenger - Misc Pics of Family during Construction
Challenger II Wing Strut Bracket Installation
Challenger II Assembled and FlyingJust a Pretty Day to Fly! 10/17/2002
November 7, 2002 Another Pretty Day
DownLoad Flying Movie - 17,555KB characters (Right Click and save file) Then Play Mpeg1
Cheif Pilot "Grandpa Bert" on his 84th Birthday!
Come back often and feel free to make comments.
Will have more pictures in a week or so.
Updated February 15, 2003
Tim - tim@webbersweb.com